Join Us

If you would like to become a member of NAMIR, please complete the online application below or contact the Membership Secretary at


Subscriber Membership

The process for Subscriber Membership is as follows:

  • Fill in Subscriber Member application form and send to the Membership Secretary
  • The Secretary will confirm the fee payable and send invoice
  • Once paid, you will receive your membership number, subscriber logos, a copy of the latest Intrepid Repairer
  • You will also receive a link and details of how to access past articles and information

NAMIR Subscriber logo


Professional Membership

The process for Professional Membership is as follows:

  • Apply to be a Subscriber Member as above
  • Once accepted as a Subscriber, fill in the Professional Member application form and send to the Membership Secretary
  • The Secretary will obtain 2 references
  • Your application, references and any other shared material is passed to the Membership sub-committee for feedback, approval or decline.
  • If approved, you will be invoiced for the difference in membership fee for the remainder of the year, asked to complete a form with details of how you would like your website listed and receive the professional logos
NAMIR Professional Logo


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