Member Hub

Why Become a Member?

All members are welcome at our technical visits, social events and training presentations. Find out how you can keep up to date with the latest updates from our dedicated events team.


  1. Information exchange and networking with other members
  2. Meetings with guest speakers and technical visits
  3. Quarterly magazine and access to a catalogue of technical articles
  4. Website listing confirming your services (Professional only)
  5. Facebook forum to connect with members
  6. Use of NAMIR logo

Quarterly meeting of NAMIR members at Moulsford

The Intrepid Repairer

Your NAMIR membership comes with access to over 100 back-issues of our quarterly journal, with more than 600 articles packed full of tips, tricks and useful information

Access is provided via a dedicated link sent to members

There are different membership categories available at NAMIR


Read our easy to follow guide with details about our membership categories, benefits and our code of conduct, along with pricing and payment information.


All members are welcome at our technical visits, social events and training presentations. Find out how you can keep up to date with the latest updates from our dedicated events team.

Feeling Social

Join us on our exclusive members-only FaceBook group


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